But I am drowning! (Breathe, Laura, breathe! No locked cars involved here!)..in a sea of school work, that is.
Three projects down, four more to go. Two more weeks. I can think of a lot of choice adjectives to describe these next two weeks, but in sticking with the "G" rating, I will defer. No blogging. No knitting. Pure insanity! Even Bossy and Stinky have been relegated to backburner status. In desperation, I've taken to serving them a whole repertoire of canned barely-food items, trying to pass them off as meals while I work on assignments. Poor deprived kids are so used to their no additive/no preservative/no fun diet that they're actually relishing this nasty, canned crap. As Bossy tanked baked beans last night, he proclaimed it the best meal I'd ever cooked and kept thanking me profusely for such a wonderful dinner. Ah, compliments to the chef, Mr. Van Camp!
Tomorrow is Holiday Countdown KAL day, and woefully, I have nothing to share. I started this Knitlist Cable Sock pattern in Wool Ease for my dad over one week ago and haven't been able to work on it since.

And look what arrived 3 days ago from Knit Picks-

And in spite of all the current madness, I'm looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving lunch for my family. Being highly foodphilic, what could be better than a Thanksgiving spread? There'll be 8 of us, and yes, it'll be hectic and crazy getting all the cooking done (can you say 19 pound turkey and gravy, cornbread and sausage stuffing, pumpkin pudding pie, smashed parmesan sour cream potatoes, cranberry conserve, streusel-topped sweet potatoes, corn on the cob and Beaujolais? BTW, I'm always entertaining new recipe ideas, so any suggestions are definitely welcome, especially if they involve whole sticks of butter!) but I'm so excited to be able to spend the holiday with everyone. Being able to celebrate, laugh and connect with the people who mean the most to me makes it more than worthwhile. Truly, I have so much to be thankful for. What I may lack in material bounty, I have been blessed with in riches and happiness above and beyond what I could have ever hoped for. A wonderful and supportive husband, healthy, beautiful children, family and friends near and dear to my heart...these are priceless gifts, and I am so grateful. And especially to all of you- all the wonderful friends I have made through blogging- you guys are the best!! For all that you do to move and inspire me everyday- be it a kind word, a funny joke or a beautiful FO- thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!
I big strapping guy that slathers himself with lavender lotion...LOVE IT! I think he will be thrilled with the socks.
That is some spread you have planned. I don't think that I could add anything that would make it better. It sounds perfect!
Good luck with your schoolin'! The end is in sight!
What a nice post! Can I come to your house for Thanksgiving? For sure, I need me some of those smashed parmesan sour cream potatoes and Beaujolais. (And thanks for the reassuring comment about no locked cars. ::taking deep breath::)
I do not think the socks are too fem at all. Or even a little fem. What could be more manly than cables? (Thinking of strapping Irish and Welsh fishermen. Trying not to think of strapping Irish and Welsh fishermen.)
Happy Thanksgiving and good luck with all your schoolwork! :)
Thank you for all of your sweet comments! I know you will pull through with everything and do it with style!
I love that Bossy and Stinky love the processed foods - why is that true of all kids? No matter what their choices, they seem to gravitate toward the crap and preservatives.
Your mashed potatoes sound great - my SIL called my mom and asked for a recipe for mashed potatoes, and I don't think she meant that kind! (But seriously, how do you make it to 23 and not know how to make mashed potatoes?)
Happy Thanksgiving! Send the leftovers to Texas!
Good luck with the schoolwork!
Sounds like you'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
I am starving just reading your spread for Thanksgiving. Your list of things to be grateful for is wonderful too.
I don't know how you do school and family! I worked fulltime and went to school for 10 years and felt like I had no life the whole time. If I'd have had kids too, I'd have ended up sitting in a corner, eating canned baked beans, but otherwise catatonic.
And a man who uses lavender lotion will not be put off by cables of any sort!
What a wonder you are! School, husband, kids!! You should be so incredibly proud of yourself for managing all of it and having such lovely children too!! I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family, and I too am VERY grateful for the wonderful people I have met through blogging, that includes you! - you are so sweet and leave the most thoughtful and kind comments, even with your crazy busy schedule! So Thank you! and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I'm going grocery shopping for our Thanksgiving dinner today and your post is making me so ready to dig in on Thursday! :)
Hang in there with the school work - just a couple more weeks and you will be free. I'll be sending supportive thoughts your way. :) I had to laugh that Bossy thought the canned dinner was the best ever - way to take the wind out of your sails, huh? Your Thanksgiving spread sounds yummy . . . except for the mashed potatoes. ;)
The socks are looking great. Your dad will love them! Your Thanksgiving sounds amazing...yum! It simply amazes me how you still find time to knit with all that you do. Have a great holiday! And thank you for sharing :)
Oh, Chris, you are busy - thanks for posting for us, though, we miss you! That is a lot to juggle, my hat's off to you! Have a great Thanksgiving - you ARE blessed!
And yet you still find time to leave lovely blog comments! Good luck with all the school work; you'll do great. You really must be busy to leave all beautiful yarn in the package. Happy Thanksgiving!
Whew! I finally caught up with the posts I missed! The piggies are really cute ... the yarn looks like the Berroco Plush I used for a scarf. Maybe I can make some myself! After reading about your socks, I ordered the undyed merino from KnitPicks too ... the colour (or no colour!) is best for lace patterns, I think. Your Yukon leaves socks are awesome ... love them. ;)
Hooray, you're still alive! I was starting to think that the semester was going to hold you captive forever! Just 2 more weeks and then you can stick a fork in it, cause it'll be done.
Baked beans in a can are the best meal he's ever eaten? Ah well, he's young.
Good luck with the rest of the semester!
Can I come to your house for Thanksgiving? I mean 19 POUNDS OF TURKEY! There should be plenty for 8 and then some. The menu sounds absolutely YUMMY. Definitely better than baked beans in my book. No turducken for you?
Creme de la femme socks I think are perfectly masculine. I didn't see anything femm about them...
jeez, you ARE super mom! school, husband, kids, cooking thanksgiving dinner, knitting, AND knit blogging/commenting? that is truly amazing. i don't have nearly as much as you do, and i feel swamped. how ever do you do it?
i am so impressed at the spread you're planning for thanksgiving! i'll trade you some of my stash for some of your food :P hehehe...
and you have such will power; i would've ripped those bags open and started something already. truly amazing...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)
I love your posts! Best wishes getting all your schoolwork done. And your Thanksgiving spread sounds incredible!! I love that Bossy loved the baked beans. That's exactly the way my son reacts when I sheepishly serve him one of those frozen kids tv dinners every now and then.
I have a friend with a theory that any recipe can be improved by adding bacon, cheese or a stick of butter. Fat makes everything better.
I'm thankful for you and your blog. Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Chris! You are such a balanced person - the world needs more of you. :) Good luck with the semester's end. I think I have a recipe you'd like for cookies - it starts with a pound of butter...
I always feel happy when I read your posts - it's a gift you have. My kids won't touch baked beans, but we have other bad foods over here, like instant noodles, that they like to ask for. However, they have been known to say that "homecooked food is best", and by that they were referring to their grandma's cooking! :)
Smashed parmesan sour cream potatoes??? Am I invited? I can bring my Pumpkin Gooey -- a dessert that involves not one but TWO whole sticks of butter. And a block of cream cheese, just for good measure. (I got the recipe from Paula Deen -- http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_pa -- I'm amazed that she is still alive, given the amount of butter, cheese, sour cream, cream, etc. in her recipes. But damn, they are good!)
Your socks are perfectly fit for your dad. My vest for DH has lots of braids on the design too.
You seem to be a great cook ,enjoy your family gathering.
Thanks for the reminder, I should be happy with what I have.
I admire a man who lavishes himself with lotion - no matter the scent. The socks look great and he will love them because you made them. I, too, am thankful for so much and that includes the great friends I have met through blogging. BTW - your menu sounds fabulous! I bought a bottle ot Beaujolais too. Blessings to you and your family!
Hi Chris! The snow is gone and its raining right now. Kind of boring! But the weekend is coming up and i´m going to this seasons first christmas market.
I´m wish you and your family Happy Thanksgiving!
hey girlie,
couldn't figure out a way to email you back except to leave a comment (I think I have that same issue on my own blog). I was *just* thinking about you and our ghetto knitterlyiness and what possessed me to buy expensive Mission Falls when perfectly good Plymouth Encore was sitting a few feet away. Let's just say that Christmas may be the big reason I could justify this purchase, but I have to say...ah, the springiness of this wool! so nice! I don't know if I'm losing my street cred now!
happy thanksgiving, sweetie!
OOPS! Augh. I hate when the mouse goes crazy and clicks all over %^&$#!!!!
Lesson learned there...do not put in the word verification until all done typing! I hope that your dinner went well, and I love those socks that you are making. I cannot wait to see what you are making with the storm! I still have one skein of that left. I have yet to come up with anything to make with it.
Thank you for all the comments on my blog! Have a great weekend! Hope your classes are going well.
Look at you with all your comments! Is it weird that I feel all proud (since I've watched your little blog grow pretty much since its inception)?
I would be DELIGHTED if Sydney would eat canned barely-food food. Or anything besides Cheerios! Funny how kids seem to like anything that's bad for them, though. Sydney would eat tons of food if I'd let her eat Doritos and doughnuts...why is that?
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!!!
The sock looks great! And that dinner sounds divine. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Could you email me? I have some food allergy questions. Thanks.
Keep up the good work! You can do it! I'll join you in the groaning about horrible awful school projects, and since there are no kids in my apartment I will freely use the non-G rated terms (!). And hey, you have some marvelous yarn to look forward to once you're all done :)
hi chris! i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! all that food...whoa...
haha, that reminds me! you were cookie monster's bulimia nervosa? that's so funny; "people love you just the way you are, googly eyes and all." i was grover on ecstacy.
so are things a little less hectic for you now? i kinda miss that about school, actually; the crunch time for finals, and then BAM! three weeks vacation!
thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog!
and you're definitely right about the cute ones; they know when they've got you wrapped ;) even the puppies know...crazy, i tell you!
have a great week! christmas is in...27 days! woo hoo!
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