Thanks to
Laura's suggestion, I joined
Jennifer's Holiday Countdown Knitalong in the hopes of having the communal group pressure, uhmm, I mean, KAL camaraderie, freak me out sufficiently to get my butt into gear and my holiday knitting done on time. My plan must be working because 1) I am pretty freaked out and 2) I've actually gotten some holiday knitting crossed off the list. First up, crunchy Ali's Om Yoga Mat Bag from SnB Nation, in Bernat Traffic Cone Orange 100% Cotton.

This is me striking my best Ralph Macchio Karate Kid Pose. And yes, I'm showing my age again, both by the '80's movie reference and by how I'm about to topple over striking my best yoga-ish pose. As much as it intellectually and spiritually appeals to me, I'm pretty inept when it comes to yoga. And I'm not even talking about the asanas. At my first (and only) yoga class, I couldn't even get the darned breathing right! It's pretty defeating when you're told that you suck at breathing. Granted, it's a
special kind of ujjayi breathing (or so I convinced myself in an effort to reinflate the squashed ego), but just breathing, nonetheless. I kind of thought it was a necessary life function, but apparently, I'm out of the loop on that one. My Darth Vader ujjayi attempts were not met with much amusement by the teacher.

The strap is a little long for me so I had to finagle it in the front, hence the odd twisting and curling action. This is actually a good thing (read: design element) as I'm about as tall as a gnome and crunchy Ali is Amazonian at 5'10". So the strap should fit her just fine. Also, being the resourceful ghetto gnome that I am, I used a rolled up hooded baby towel in place of a yoga mat. I'm hoping that the weight and girth of an actual yoga mat will give the bag a more sophisticated contour. I also hoped for the same thing at puberty with the onset of boobs, but that never occurred, either. This was a super fast knit, and the seaming wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. I just need to find a drawstring cord to weave into the top of the bag and it's as good as done.
I also spent some time with two little piggies this weekend. No, not Bossy and Stinky, although they were around eating us out of house and home quite a bit, too. I mean these two little piggies.

Cell phone cozies from SnB Nation, designed by Honolulu SnB's very talented
MK Carroll. These are destined to be stocking stuffers for the family. So fast and so fun, they're perfect for completing in an evening. And for quelling the freak-out factor when you suddenly realize that there's less than 40 days till Christmas and you've still got 10 more gifts to knit. I guess they don't really count since they're only stocking stuffers, but let me revel in the placebo effect a while longer, please.
Still on the holiday queue are 3 pairs of socks for dad, BIL and brother, something for my sis, The Mercenary (which I can't reveal because she reads the blog and I'd have to kill her after that), a tote bag for my other sis, Fredo and a bolero for my mom. Add to that one turkey with all the trimmings for a party of 10, Bossy's fourth birthday, school projects from hell, a Stinky practicing to be 2 years old (which, trust me, she does NOT need more practice in!) and a partridge in a pear tree and you've got the makings for a serious hydrocortisone prescription for flaring eczema.
I don't know how all you other talented ladies handle the pressure with such grace! Me, I'm left with my irritable bowel and bad skin. (Don't you feel so close to me now?) Aside from the eczema, I have a lovely, large bullseye target red zit right between my eyes. Ohhh yeah. The kind where you know it's beyond rude to stare but you feel sickly compelled to keep looking at the monstrosity staring back at you. Oh well, I might have sucked at the ujjayi breathing, but hey, at least I've got a third eye!!!
Edited to add: Look what just arrived in the mail from my sweet blog pal,
Allison, over at

Allison held a Blogiversary contest a couple of weeks ago and I was lucky enough to win! Thank you sooo much, Allison!! I love this Knit Picks Gossamer in the Caribbean colorway! I've been eyeing it for a while, and I can't wait to knit it up. She also sent some yummy Reese's because I mentioned that it was my favorite Halloween candy. How sweet and thoughtful is this woman? Your package made my day, Allison! Thank you so, so much!! Now go hop on over and check out
her great blog!
Hooray! I'm so glad you got the package :) Great job with your FOs - those pigs are incredibly cute. Hope you have a great week!
I do feel so close to you! This is the first year in many that I am being very intentional about not getting myself in a tizzy over gifts that I need to make. So few people in my life would appreciate the effort that I will only knit for a few folks who will at least make the attmept at appreciating my work. I am so athletically challenged that I can identify with your breathing dilema. Think about it this way - everyone can breathe but it takes someone very special to knit. You are someone special!
Close to you? Yeah! Let's see, the 80s Karate Kid reference. Check. Got the eczema, even. Check. Doesn't it suck? Your peeps better appreciate all the knitting you're doing while furiously trying not to scratch the itch!
Me, I've got no illusions about holiday knitted gifts. I'll probably hit the mall the day before and buy everyone slippers.
tee hee are too funny!
i was never good at meditation. i'd get the breathing down, alright, but i'd be sleeping in about ten minutes!
i used to idolize ralph maccio...up until recently, that is. i was watching the karate kid movie that was filmed in hawaii and thought it was the corniest thing i'd ever seen. talk about shattered dreams!
anyways, you've seriously got the cute project factor going for you on your blog here! so cool.
i think there's something wrong with me if i've got talking yarn around me and still have no idea as to what to knit with it. at least you make use of your stash...
it's kind of like work...i've got tons of work to do, but no stimulation to do it. argh.
otherwise, i think you're doing a mighty fine job with all your projects, kiddies, schoolwork, etc. you're like, super mom! go super mom!
i just realized it, but that knit picks gossamer matches your bloggy blog perfectly! whoa. wicked cool.
Your yoga mat bag looks amazing and your Ralph Macchio pose is equally impressive! :)
And speaking of impressive your holiday "to make" list is incredible. And I know you'll get it all done - no problem! Every year I have such great crafty gift intentions and then I end up fighting for parking Christmas Eve at the mall.
It looks like you are well on your way with your holiday knitting. Three FO's already!! (Yes, the pigs do count. You knitted them and they are gifts) Just take Chrissy's suggestion and prop Bossy and Stinky in front of MTV with Doritos - ha ha ha!!! Did you see that the Knitty Shop has some holiday cards for knitted gift recipients who's gifts will be late? Right up my alley.
Cute piggies! And the yoga bag looks great. I know you can get that list done - if I can do it you can!
Congrats on that great knitpicks yarn - it's lovely!
Sounds like you need to do a little "ohm"ing to center you Christmas present chakras. Yikes!
Tbe bag and the piggys turned out great.
The bag and piggies are great! Good Luck with the gift knitting. I no longer knit for holidays. The eye twitch made it difficult to get the holiday baking done.
That is an impressive Christmas knitting list! I copped out last year and had my parents each pick sock yarn from a picture, saving me from having to actually have socks knitted for them by Christmas, but still getting credit for a knitted gift.
I've had said sock yarn for 10 months now. I'm about halfway done with Mom's socks, but I've just hit K1P1 ribbing which usually brings progress to a screeching halt. Dad's socks remain balls of yarn with 40 days to go. Bad daughter; bad knitter.
Yoga bag and piggies turned out great!
Nice job on the yoga bag! Bright orange is also my husband's favorite color (you may have noticed his sweatshirt in my post from yesterday...). Can't wait to see the parade of FO's over the next month. Amazingly, I started my holiday gifts over the Columbus Day weekend. I've finished 2 of them, and am halfway through the third. I'm only planning to make 4, but that might change ...
Love the yoga bag!!! It turned out great!! Your Daniel-son pose is great! And those piggies are SO cute!!
Oh yeah - wax on, wax off.... and, I'd totally fall over if I tried that. I keep two feet on the ground.
Love the yoga bag - and the piggies are too cute!
And... that Knit Picks Gossamer is BEAUTIFUL!
The yoga bag and piggies came out so well! Your list of projects and things to do is so impressive...and I know you'll do it all. Whew! Lucky you winning the beautiful yarn. I enjoy reading all your stories so much :)
Those pigs are CUTE! The yoga bag looks great too. I've always wanted to try yoga too, but I've never been able to find a "yoga for hopelessly clumsy people" class. I've tried following it on tv but I can't keep up.
Irritable bowels and eczema should be the mascot of Christmas knitting, I swear.
Aww, you didn't join Allison's knit some holiday cheer knitalong? I'm still waiting for the invitation to come back to me and I'm there. If I don't get it soon, maybe I'll join Jennifer's knitalong. I also need the encouragement from other people to help me get my projects done as well as give me some gift ideas for next year!
Take a deep breath (through that third eye on your forehead) and it'll all work out. I think the piggy cell phone cozies are great little gifts, and most definitely should count... Hmm, yoga bag... I have a perfect recipient for that (next year. can't commit right now. too much... AAAGH! breathing deeply now)
The yoga mat bag turned out great. And I love the pigs - such cute faces! The year end is always a busy time, isn't it?
Great Yoga bag! I tried to make one but I messed it all up & now...actually I think it holds cat toys now. Love the piggies too!
Goodness! Thanks so MUCH for the giggle - I needed that! I'm sure I can make you feel better..... I have to old enough to be Ralph Macchio's mother! UGH!!!! As for the yoga pose, I'm duly impressed, and the yoga bag came out great! I, too, have a list of things to finish before Christmas, but somewhere in the "cobwebs in my little mind" I have months and months to go before Christmas, and Thanksgiving isn't REALLY next week... Right? Right?
Definately FREAK OUT TIME and I can relate to the IBS and itchies ;) I better get, cooking, shopping, knitting oh my!
HI!! Thanks for visiting my blog and your support and thoughtfulness! And the nice comments on the Ribby Family! Your youga bag is adorable and your writing is so funny!! I'll be back to visit often, i hope you will too!!
PS - I'm a Virgo too :)
you know, you could decorate that zit you think everyone notices and make it look like a 3rd eye!
i don't do holidays with grace. (i don't like to shop, and all those i'd shop for have everything they need, ... and if they don't, neither of us can afford it anyways!) i come rushing on the field, in the bottom of the 9th, all gung-ho to knit a ton of christmas gifts. but, it's the last minute, in the last hour ..... hey, where's my _last minute knitted gifts_ book?! ... or _weekend knitting_? melanie falick to the rescue!
That yoga bag is wonderful. I am sure that your friend will love it. It will be great with the real yoga mat in it. I also LOVE the piggies. I had trouble finding the pattern-Help-...too cute. I have so many things to knit and so little time.
The yoga bag looks great, as does your pose. ;-) I made one of those piggie cell phone holders too last year, they do make great, quick gifts. This year I am however not knitting gifts for everyone. Just for 1 person. I got sick of the stress it added to my knitting, and then not knowing if the recipient really liked it (or used it). But I feel for you. Good luck getting it all done!
If it makes you feel any better, know that I've been practicing yoga for almost ten years and still am the WORST in the class at ujjayi breathing. Sometimes it feels better to focus on what we CAN do well. Your yoga bag looks great, and reminds me that it's about time I made one, too.
Thanks for checking my blog and your nice comments sure gives me more confidence to knit more! :)
I love your yoga mat, such a great idea, maybe I'll knit one for me one of these days... Like you, I have a list of gifts and my own endless knitting to do.
By the way, very cute piggies and beautiful "Yukon Leaves" socks!
Thanks Chris for the nice compliments about the boys' hats! I have to say, colorwork is pretty cool. Just not intarsia. That makes me want to scream. Doing it, that is.
As always, loved your post. SO ENVIOUS of the Gossamer. I want!
Also...29 comments! Wow! That's, like, Grumperina-level commenting. You're so fab! :)
Eczema - check. Karate kid - check. Holiday knitting? No way!!! Cute gifts you're making, and I can't imagine anyone wouldn't love them.
The trick with that asana is to pick a spot on the wall to stare at. Otherwise, you just topple over. Repeatedly. Ask me how I know...
Thanks for visiting me - I love reading your blog, you always make me smile.
I LOVE MK's little piggies! They are so cute - how does she come up with this stuff? The yoga bag rocks, too. As does your Karate Kid're almost as much of an 80's child as Karen (but not quite)!
Yes, it is me you have email? I always have something else I want to talk to you about...
I am beginning to love those small needles. It will feel like knitting with telephone poles when I go back to work on my Blackberry and size 13's
Something's wrong with Bloglines! which didn't pick up your posts!!! I've missed so much ... which I'll catch up later. I used to do yoga too ... maybe should pick it up again. ;)
Hi Chris! Thanks for the comments on my blog! The yoga bag looks great, as does your pose. ;-)! I been knitting a lot on my christmas present this weekend - Birch, Rowan magazine no 34, this is my 4th Birch, the first i kept for my self but the rest I have given to 1) My mother, she had her 60th birthday in july 2) My lovely friend Helena (who is pregnant with her first child) steped out in this world as Doctor Helena (med. dr) 3) And this one is going to my friend Ann-Catrine - Because she´s worth it. She´s the best!
Keep up with your good work and take care!
I love the yoga mat bag, that is so cute. And so are the cell phone piggy covers. And I forgot to comment, but the story of you showing up to take your exam in your nightgown was priceless! Definitely you should try a little yoga to make it through the next few weeks, but hopefully life will slow a little after that. Good luck with school and have a Happy Turkey Day with the family!
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